Dxo optics pro upgrade
Dxo optics pro upgrade

dxo optics pro upgrade

You are obviously more proficient with than I am! I personally found that with the newest version they made the controls a little clumsy since they added so much more range of adjustment to all the different controls. I like your work and it intrigues me that you use DxO.

dxo optics pro upgrade

My brother-in-law recently went to using Lightroom 3 from DxO and has been saying I should do the same. Thanks for the responses! From my experience I think ACR does a better job and makes finer adjustments.


You can always upgrade from several levels back. You can skip updates if you feel there is nothing much there for you. But if you want to put your shots out there in competitions, show at camera clubs, hang high-quality images on your wall, then I think you do need it. If you are just doing family/pet shots, and never aim to do much other than enjoy your shots (nothing wrong with that) then you don't need it. Keep it for more than 10 years and that figure comes down. It's not exactly a lot, is it? If you are going to be a photographer for at least the next 10 years, then the total cost of the initial product and the upgrades works out at £1,730 or 47 pence a day. That works out at £10 a month for the upgrades. You might be happy to pay £600 for a new lens, so why pull back at spending the same on a processing system that will do everything? The upgrades come out approximately every 18 months and cost about £180 - CS4 to CS5 cost that. I know CS5 is a big outlay, but consider it an investment.

Dxo optics pro upgrade